Advanced ESG Analytics for Everyone.
Yeldrive's proprietary NLP (Natural Language Processing) and extensive database draws on millions of documents and text segments from billions of data points related to the world's foremost publicly traded companies. Furthermore, we strive to offer exceptional value at an affordable price point.
How Yieldrive Works
The Yieldrive approach helps investors make qualified decisions about their ESG investments. In this, it connects ESG contribution to the financial performance of publicly listed companies.
Test the ESG compliance level of companies or portfolio
Create portfolios and determine their ESG performance levels using the Portfolio Adjuster. Or see the ESG performance scores of ETF’s or other financial products you may hold and identify trends and patterns quickly.
Research thousands of companies
Find the outperformers according to your parameters by sector, region or investment strategy through intuitive interfaces, interactive visualizations, and simplified features. Make data-driven decisions, and achieve better business outcomes with ease.
Identify tomorrow’s likely outperformers
Yieldrive’s AI scans countless sources daily for news that may impact companies’ ESG related financial performance, enabling users to explore companies with incredible depth, conducting deep dives into their balance sheets, operations, marketing strategies, and human resources processes.
The Yieldrive AI
Yieldrive AI comprises of three distinct sub-modules - Natural Language Processing (NLP), Named-entity Recognition (NER) and Sentiment Analysis (SI). These sub-modules work in conjunction to constantly enhance the raw data obtained from the Yieldrive Data hub, leveraging existing open-source neural networks like BERT, SpaCy, and more.
Generate white label reports
Generate customized reports that showcase your research approach and share them with others with your own logo. This feature is accessible through our Pro and Enterprise Plans.